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The Five Elements

The Five Elements are important in many Paths for Ritual use.

In our Sanctuary and Coven we observe the 5 elements of Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit.


Earth Element Symbol


Cardinal Direction: North.

Season: Winter.

Holidays: Earth Day, Hunting of the Wren, and Yule.

Gods: Adonis, Arawn, Cernunnos, Dionysus, Geb, The Green Man, Khnum, Marduk, Mimir, Pan, Prometheus, and Vishnu.

Goddesses: Anat, Ariadne, Artemis, Asherah, Bertha, Ceres, Demeter, Gaia, Kore, Nephthys, Persephone, Rhea, and Rhiannon.

Colors: Black, Brown, Green, and White.

Tarot: Pentacles.

Runes: Is, Tyr, and Ur.

Zodiac: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo.

Trees: Ash, Blackthorn, Cedar, Cypress, Elder, Elm, Holly, Juniper, Locust, Magnolia, Maple, Oak, Olive, Pine, Pomegranate, Rowan, Spruce, and Witch Hazel.

Plants: Cinquefoil, Clove, Comfrey, Fern, Grains, Henbane, High John, Honeysuckle, Horehound, Mandrake, Mugwort, Patchouli, Primrose, Reed, Sage, and Vervain.


Air Element Symbol


Cardinal Direction: East.

Season: Spring.

Holidays: Ostara.

Gods: Hermes, Khnum, Mimir, Mercury, Quetzalcoatl, Thoth, and Zeus.

Goddesses: Amaterasu, Athena, Arianrhod, Hera, Inanna, Nut, and Phoebe.

Colors: Light Blue, Gray, Lavender, Pink, Red, Silver, White, and Yellow.

Tarot: Fool, Swords, and Wands.

Runes: Beorc, Hagal, and Thorn.

Zodiac: Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra.

Trees: Acacia, Alder, Apple, Ash, Aspen, Cedar, Chestnut, Elder, Elm Fir, Hawthorn, Hazel, Holly, Horse Chestnut, Laurel, Linden, Maple, Mesquite, Oak, Olive, Palm, Pine, Sycamore, Walnut, and Yew.

Plants: Agrimony, Anise, Anemone, Bamboo, Bergamot, Bittersweet, Borage, Broom, Clover, Comfrey, Dandelion, Eyebright, Fern, Frankincense, Goldenrod, Horehound, Ivy, Lavender, Lily of the Valley, Marjoram, Marigold, Meadowsweet, Mistletoe, Mugwort, Myrrh, Nutmeg, Peppermint, Primrose, Reed, Sage, Sandalwood, Spearmint, Star Anise, Thyme, Vervain, Violet, Wormwood, and Yarrow.


Fire Element Symbol


Cardinal Direction: South.

Season: Summer.

Holidays: Beltane, Imbolc, and Litha.

Gods: Agni, Belenus, Brahma, Dionysus, Hephaestus, Horus, Inari, Indra, Khnum, Mimir, Nergal, Njord, Perun, Prometheus, Ra, and Vulcan.

Goddesses: Aine, Amaterasu, Bertha, Brigid, Danu, Durga, Freya, Hestia, Kupala, Pele, Phoebe, Sekhmet, Teotihuacan Spider Woman, and Vesta.

Colors: Crimson, Gold, Orange, Pink, Red, White, and Yellow.

Tarot: Judgement, Swords, and Wands.

Runes: Dag, Ken, Rad, and Sigel.

Zodiac: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.

Trees: Alder, Ash, Beech, Blackthorn, Cedar, Cherry, Chestnut, Dracaena Cinnabari (Dragon's Blood), Elder, Hawthorne, Holly, Horse Chestnut, Juniper, Laurel, Mesquite, Oak, Olive, Pine, Pomegranate, Rowan, Walnut, Witch Hazel, and Yew.

Plants: Allspice, Amaranth, Anemone, Angelica, Asafoetida, Basil, Betony, Black Cohosh, Blessed Thistle, Bloodroot, Carnation, Chrysanthemum, Cinnamon, Cinquefoil, Clove, Coriander, Cumin, Deer's Tongue, Dill, Fennel, Flax, Frankincense, Galangal, Garlic, Ginger, Ginseng, Goldenseal, Gorse, Heliotrope, Hibiscus, High John, Holy Basil, Lovage, Mandrake, Marigold, Mullein, Mustard, Nettle, Nutmeg, Pennyroyal, Peony, Pepper, Peppermint, Poppy, Primrose, Rosemary, St. John's Wort, Snapdragon, Sunflower, Sweet Woodruff, Thistle, Wormwood, and Vervain.


Water Element Symbol


Cardinal Direction: West.

Season: Autumn.

Holidays: Mabon and Neptunalia.

Gods: Aegir, Belenus, Ea, Khnum, Mabon, Manannan, Mimir, Neptune, Njord, Osiris, Poseidon, and Prometheus.

Goddesses: Amphitrite, Aphrodite, Badb, Boann, Brigantia, Chalchiuhtlicue, Coventina, Isis, Kupala, Ran, Sarasvati, Sedna, and Tiamat.

Colors: Aqua, Black, Blue, Gray, Indigo, Lilac, Purple, Sea Green, Silver, Turquoise, Violet, and White.

Tarot: Cups, Hanged Man, and Moon.

Runes: Feoh, Jera, Lagu, and Peorth.

Zodiac: Cancer, Pisces, and Scorpio.

Trees: Alder, Apple, Ash, Aspen, Beech, Birch, Cedar, Cherry, Chestnut, Cypress, Elder, Elm, Hazel, Horse Chestnut, Locust, Magnolia, Mesquite, Mimosa, Myrtle, Olive, Poplar, Spindle Tree, Spruce, Sycamore, Willow, Witch Hazel, and Yew.

Plants: Aloe, Aster, Belladonna, Blackberry, Bramble, Burdock, Cardamom, Catnip, Chamomile, Coltsfoot, Columbine, Comfrey, Cowslip, Daffodil, Daisy, Dittany, Feverfew, Foxglove, Gardenia, Geranium, Grape, Heather, Henbane, Hibiscus, Hyacinth, Iris, Ivy, Jasmine, Lady's Mantle, Lemon Balm, Lilac, Lily, Lotus, Meadowsweet, Monkshood, Moonwort, Morning Glory, Myrrh, Orris Root, Passionflower, Periwinkle, Poppy, Raspberry, Reed, Rose, Sandalwood, Skullcap, Solomon's Seal, Spearmint, Spikenard, Star Anise, Strawberry, Thornapple, Thyme, Valerian, Vanilla, Violet, Water Lily, and Yarrow.


Spirit Element Symbol

Spirit is also known as Aether, æther, Ether, and Akasha.


Cardinal Direction: Center/Self.

Season: Wheel of the Year.

Gods: The Horned God.

Goddesses: The Lady.

Colors: White.

Tarot: Some indications to "The Fool".

Zodiac: Some indications point to Ophiuchus.

Trees: Some indications point to The Flowing Almond Tree.

Plants: Some indications point to Mistletoe.

Crystals/Gems/Stones: Meteorite, Quartz, and Diamond.